Give a child culture while he’s young.
Anthony R. Emmolo’s
Autobiographical Narrative
I was born in 1963 in the city of New York. At the age of 23 months, I had successful open-heart surgery. This proved to be the seed that led to my seventeen years in Asia, then California, Italy, back to California, and finally to the birth of Humanist Publications and Art Safari Tours. I had to make a difference in people’s lives in gratitude for my successful surgery. In 1988, I received my BFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. It was there that I defined this calling. I would travel the world as a children’s teacher of art and English. I spent six years in Taiwan, five years in Japan, a shorter stint in Italy, and finally six years in China. Over time, my creativity and life became a product of my experiences in these countries, and have defined my aims in illustration.
Through art and teaching, I became more reflective, delving into classical literature and art. Knowing that much of classical art was created to decorate the temples and churches for the people of the cities, I began adapting my classes to the introduction and discussion of ancient cultures. I feel classical periods were a high point in art history.
Humanist Publications
On December 31st, 2007, in Shanghai I wrote my yearly letter of reflection. It was in that letter that my calling came to a complete circle, through the creation of my beloved Art For The Heart charitable project that allowed me to help Chinese children receive open-heart surgery through the sale of my art.
In 2009, I returned to Northern California, where I began an Art for the Heart event to help Marysville Rideout Hospital raise money for echo-cardiography equipment, so that their doctors can better diagnose cardiac issues.
While focusing on Art for the Heart, I decided to write and illustrate children’s books that would bring the values and the lessons of classical times to the children of today.
Art Safari Tours
From 2015-2018 I took a four trips to Italy to study its art and culture. On one of those trips I took my father. On two others trips I took a friend. Seeing their eyes upon experiencing the art and culture of Italy was magic!